The Laying on of Hands in The Diocese of Central Newfoundland

The Rev’d Beverly Buffett; Audrey Park; Kathy Howse

Two parishes come together for island confirmation

On November 26th, 2023, the Parishes of Fogo Island East and Fogo Island West, under the guidance of their rector, The Rev’d Neal Buffett, held an Island Confirmation service at Holy Spirit Church. Twelve candidates, varying from grade 5 to Level II, received the laying of hands by Bishop John Watton. The Rev’d Beverly Buffett prepared the candidates, of whom she was very proud because these young people completed all classes. Bishop John talked about the importance of Confirmation in the lives of these young people and how we, as a church community, must support the candidates. We presented each candidate with a certificate of Confirmation and a youth devotional book. The celebration continued with food and fellowship at Holy Spirit Hall. -article and photographs by The Rev’d Beverly Buffett

St. James’, Gillams, holds confirmation

On December 3rd, 2023, a beautiful  service of confirmation with Bishop Organ was held at St. James’ in Gillams. Four candidates were confirmed: Abby, Alex, Bradley, and Reece. -article and photographs by Audrey Park

St. Lawrence, Portugal Cove, holds confirmation

St. Lawrence Parish, Portugal Cove, held Confirmation on December 10th, 2023.  Four boys and one girl were confirmed by Bishop Sam Rose.  Along with Confirmation Classes on Sunday mornings, they also met on Friday evenings to complete a Youth Alpha Course. 

Bottom row, left to right: Landon McLean, Kaitlyn Smith, Kaden Smith; second row, left to right: Gavin Howse, Teagan Kearney; top row: Reverend Wayne Parsons, Bishop Sam Rose.

During their Confirmation Classes, these young Christians were asked to write Thank You prayers to God, here is what they wrote:

Dear God,
Thank-you for my parents, my family, and my friends. Amen.

Dear God,
Thanks for the family and friends I have. Amen.

Dear God,
Thank you for the food that is on our table, for my family, and for my friends and teachers that help me learn day to day.
Thank you for giving me a safe environment to grow and where I can go to school without being worried and where I can stay home by myself without being worried. You help guide me to make good decisions and how to be a good person. I am thankful for your love. Amen.

Dear God,
Help me show others much I love them, thank you for friends and family. Bless me, watch over me and keep me safe everyday. Thank you for the food, water, clothes and my home. Please keep me and my family healthy. Amen.

O God,
Thank you for leading me through tough times. Bless my family and friends. Thank you for keeping me safe. I promise to always be kind and be respectful to others.

-article by Jocelyn Miller; photograph by Kathy Howse 

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