Thanksgiving with Special Guests From the Past

Three priests in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, St. John's, Newfoundland.
By Cindy Marshall
Cindy Marshall

As part of the 325th anniversary celebrations of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, The Very Rev’d William Bellamy was the guest preacher on Thanksgiving Sunday (October 13th). He was the cathedral’s dean during the 300th celebrations. The vicar at the time was The Rev’d Dr. Robert Rowlands, and on the same day, he presided at the Eucharist at this year’s Thanksgiving service. The Very Rev’d Roger Whalen is the present dean, and was a member of the choir 25 years ago.

At the top of this page, we see a photograph of Dean Bellamy, Dr. Rowlands, and Dean Whalen.

As mentioned above, this is the 325th anniversary of the Anglican Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in St. John’s, which is the oldest Anglican parish in Canada, and a National Historic Site.

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