St. Luke’s Anglican Church

Florence Morgan-Thom

Port de Grave, Newfoundland

Spring: what a beautiful time of the year!  A time for rebirth, for trees budding, for flowers popping through the soil, and the sounds of birds filling the air. What a joy to see and hear the sound of God’s gifts.

Not only  the beauty of nature takes place at this time of year. Clean-ups, repairs, etc are also part of the spring season. Here in Port de Grave, at St. Luke’s Anglican Church our congregation and vestry members were hard at work.

So many jobs had to be done, and as in most churches, money is at a premium. What to do first? We have begun with the cemetery. Our old fence had seen better days, what with the pressure of snow build up from the plow on a chain fence, and it finally had given way.

Under the direction of our cemetery chair, Wayne Morgan, and his crew of volunteers, they removed the old fence and replaced it wilth a new chain fence. There will be no more problems with snow, hopefully, as it is flexible and should weather the  destructive nature of winters in Newfoundland.

What a difference the new fence makes: a classic aesthetic look, it enhances our sacred ground and sets the borders. 

Wayne has done a fabulous job at organizing and supervising this much needed project. Wayne, thanks all his volunteers for their dedication in building this fence and the clean-up of the grounds as well.  Thank you, Wayne.

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