Sowing Seeds—Growing Community

four men in front of the Basilica in St. John's NL making a donation to a food bank
The Gathering Place
By The Rev’d Fred Marshall
Submitted by The Rev'd Fred Marshall

A creative way to be the Church

This is a follow-up to previous articles in Anglican Life (also available on the website); in May 2023: “Sowing Seeds—Growing Community,” and in September 2024: “Sowing Seeds—Growing Community: A Match Made in Heaven.”

The Weather Network headline read “For the first time in its history, St. John’s has surpassed 200 mm of rainfall in June. As of June 28th, it has recorded 210.6 mm.” Despite an extremely wet spring and a shortened growing season due to the weather, Sowing Seeds—Growing Community has completed its first year with a bountiful harvest, which provided fresh produce to the plates of those who needed it.

  • Sowing Seeds—Growing Community distributed the following:
  • Goulds Community Food Bank: 37 bags + carrots & turnips – approx. 1900 lbs. plus peppers, lettuce, tomato, zucchini which were delivered throughout the summer.
  • Gathering Place: 11 bags + carrots & turnips – approx. 550 lbs.
  • Choices for Youth: 3 bags + 1 crate of carrots – approx. 150 lbs.
  • Community Food Sharing: 15 bags + 4 crates of small potato + carrots & turnips approx. 800 + lbs.

Total distribution was  approximately 3,400 lbs. of potato, turnips & carrots plus peppers, lettuce, zucchini, tomato and strawberries. Thanks be to God!

There was much to be grateful for, and there was much learned in this first year of growing. With the lessons learned we would hope to significantly increase the harvest next year. One of the lessons that we learned is the need for more partnerships and communication. As this is a diocesan endeavour, we would hope to engage other congregations, church groups and community groups to take part. The plan is to make new contacts over the winter months, offering interested groups to take ownership of one or more drills. We have 34’ x 90’ drills. Each group can plant, maintain, and harvest their own area. In the fall, they can donate the harvest to their choice of food bank or community kitchen, or combine with others for central distribution. An advantage of smaller groups is that they will be better able to communicate amongst themselves to coordinate times at the garden. Sowing Seeds—Growing Community will provide seeds and other supplies at no cost to interested groups.

Did you know that in addition to the main garden there are twelve raised gardens and two higher planting boxes for those with mobility issues? These are also available for new groups. We have obtained funding for the new year to increase the number of planter boxes and higher accessible boxes, complete the pathways through the gardens for accessibility and add a sitting area. Plans are also in the works to include educational and skills development components. Obtaining our own tractor would be on our “wish list” as this would enable us to better manage and create a larger garden.

There were many delightful moments during this season. From Bishop Sam blessing the garden, to the children of the Kilbride (Ferryland Family Resource Coalition) helping to harvest peppers and lettuce and delivering them to the food bank, to the fellowship of “digging in the garden.” Bishop Sam participated in the digging and delivery of fresh produce. Putting aching muscles aside, a good time was had by all. The most delightful moments were the “thank yous” when the produce was delivered.

God our Creator, we thank you for the world and for all of your gifts to us; for the sky above, the earth beneath our feet, and the wonderful process which provides food to sustain life. We thank you for our crops, and for the people, skills, knowledge and equipment needed to plant, grow, harvest and share. Help us to use your gifts in the spirit of the giver, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Colquhoun, Frank, Contemporary Parish Prayers, Toronto, Canada; Hodder and Stoughton; 1975)

Sowing Seeds—Growing Community is a creative way to be the Church. Excuse the pun, but it takes us back to our Christian roots. It is about being a witness for Christ by our caring for others and engagement with the wider community.

Sowing Seeds—Growing Community is a partnership of Goulds Recreation Association, Goulds Lions Club, Kilbride to Ferryland Family Resource Centre, Goulds Community Food Bank, St. Kevin’s Roman Catholic Parish and St. Paul’s Anglican Church. We welcome new partnerships and participating groups and individuals. If you are interested to learn more, please contact The Rev’d Fred Marshall at [email protected] or call 709-727-4346.

Growing Seeds-Growing Community is extremely grateful for funding from the Government of NL Community Gardens Program, Goulds Lions Club, and the Anglican Foundation of Canada, and the mentoring and tractor services of Bobby Searle (Goulds).

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