The Parish of the Holy Trinity held a revival weekend September 27th-29th, which consisted of an event/worship/food in each of the five congregations: Friday night: a Gospel Concert at St. John the Baptist, Whitbourne; Saturday morning: Prayer Time at St. Martin’s Church, Dunville; Saturday afternoon: Children/Youth Event at St. Augustine’s, New Harbour; Saturday night: a Prayer and Praise Healing Service at St. Barnabas, Blaketown; Sunday morning: Parish Service of Holy Eucharist followed by pot-luck lunch at All Saints’, Dildo.
In preparation for this time, a small committee was formed and from that committee, which brought the idea to parish council, a new fellowship/outreach
group was established. The purpose is to bring the parish together once a week for fellowship, and during that time, people bring along their knitting, crocheting, colouring books, word search, puzzles, crafts, and share stories/memories in a relaxed setting. The group opens with prayer, and the host church provides a light lunch. The parish choir practices immediately after. We are looking at this as a way of encouraging fellowship, being good stewards of our re
sources as each of four churches take a turn every four weeks to host. The group, now known as Friends of God, are making items for outreach to the chemo unit in Carbonear, hats and finger puppets for the Janeway, knitted goods for local families in need, and knitting hats for the Mobile Ministry Bus. It began as a result of ACW closures: the desire to continue to meet for fellowship, and a call for Carbonear chemo unit. Prior to FOG meeting, a weekly on-line devotion takes place. It is also an opportunity for those congregations who are able to have daytime vestry meetings to do so after choir. One day—lots of accomplishments; it cuts down on heating costs; brings people together within the parish; and in winter, will reduce snow-clearing costs. There is a buzz happening in this ministry!
Along with this new ministry, there was a call for food for the local food bank. Through one of the Wednesday morning devotions, a challenge was put forward to fill the box of a truck with food by Thanksgiving. A beautiful painting was donated by John Woodman as a thank you; names of those who contributed were put into a draw for the painting. The truck box and the interior were filled with food and toiletries, and a cash donation of more than $1100 was given to the local food bank.
Of the 75 blankets donated by Connie Brazil who had received them from a group in Ontario, 42 were donated to the Chemo Unit in Carbonear, while others are being given to the sick and shut-in within the parish. These blankets were blessed during the Parish Service on September 29 before being distributed.
Six Filipino families in Whitbourne, who recently moved to the area for work, were assisted with household items and clothing through the generosity of our parishioners responding to the needs of others!
The “Come-as-you-are Worship” is held once a month, on a Saturday, and is a relaxed style of worship, originally intended to be dementia friendly. A cup of tea/lunch/fellowship follows the service which is a ministry led by St. Augustine’s in New Harbour. There are dedicated youth who help regularly.
In New Harbour, St. Augustine’s Church has worked in cooperation with the Local Service District to allow the LSD to use the church property and develop it into a beautiful park like setting in which many activities take place throughout the year. Raised vegetable gardens were also established in front of the old rectory, and many families have been growing produce. Church and community working together—good news!
A full page spread in October’s issue of Anglican Life acknowledged a congregation coming together to celebrate and give thanks for the long ministry of Angus Gilbert as Lay Reader and vestry/warden for St. Martin’s Church.
The Open Door Café, which uses All Saints’ Church Hall, is made up of many volunteers who offer a lunch and fellowship every second Thursday from May to October. This group shares its donations with other charities in the area, especially the Whitbourne & Area Ministerial Christmas Hamper Fund.
St. Martin’s Church has been very busy with flea markets throughout the year! The church basement is full of goodies and people.
Replacing the furnaces at St. Barnabas and St. Augustine has been the focus for these two congregations, and in no time, good used furnaces were found and installed.
Revival didn’t just start with the September Weekend: it has been ministry in progress throughout the past several years. A gospel concert in June of 2023 was the inspiration to plan a weekend. For various reasons it was postponed until September 2024.
The parish is looking forward to Canon Debbie returning to ministry early in the new year! Prayers of thanksgiving for the dedication and support of our parishioners, from the oldest to the youngest. We are on this journey together as we continue to serve our God by putting our baptismal covenant into action—we will, with God’s help.