On July 4th, Bishop John Watton was on the road to the Parish of Catalina when the call came in that we had a COVID-19 alert, and two confirmands were being sent for testing. One of his two visits went ahead, but the second was postponed.
So, on July 4th, at St Mark’s Church in Summerville, eight young members of the congregation received a contactless “laying on of hands” to receive the rites of confirmation, and then their first receipt of the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. The St. Mark’s confirmands were: Nicholas, Jorja, and Grace Newell; Margaret and Kimberley Long; Amelia and Sidney Tobin; and Camryn Baker. With the absence of a younger congregation in town, this may have been the final confirmation witnessed at St Mark’s.

On September 19th, Bishop John was once again on the road to Catalina. The second instalment of confirmations at both St Peter’s (Catalina) and St Nicholas’ (Amherst Cove) took place that day. There were supposed to be six confirmands, but a ‘flu bug kept two away. The class was composed of twin sisters Keiara and Karlee Paul, Todd Crewe, Christopher White; absentees were Bradley Phillips and Dylan Duffett. The latter confirmands will be added to a new cohort already who have already begun their learning at St. Peter’s for confirmation in 2022, when Bishop John will be “On the Road Again.” Pictured with the two groups are Bishop John Watton and the Rector of the parish, the Rev’d Eli Cross.