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Mother’s Day on Fogo Island

Rev’d Neal and Martin
By Lisa Snow
Lisa Snow

The parishes of Fogo Island East and West held an Island-wide service for Mother’s Day, which was on May 12th, 2024.

“Jesus said I am the vine; You are the branches, those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit because apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) This was the verse on the bookmark that was passed out to all the ladies who attended the service.

Rev’d Beverly and Molly Hewitt

Rev’d Neal Buffett, with the assistance of Martin, preached on “Mother’s love.” It was precious. The word “WOW” turned upside down is “MOM.”

Luncheon followed the service at Holy Spirt Hall. The youngest mother (who was Rev’d Beverly) and oldest mom (who was Molly Hewitt) cut the cake for us.