Installation of Cathedral Chapter and Mission Deans

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On Sunday April 7th, Bishop Geoffrey Peddle installed the new Cathedral Chapter and Mission Deans for the Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador. The Cathedral Chapter includes: Archdeacon Roger Whalen; Archdeacon Samuel Rose; Archdeacon Julie Brace; Archdeacon Josiah Noel; Archdeacon Charlene Taylor; Archdeacon Gregory Mercer; Canon Amanda Taylor; Canon Gerald Westcott; Canon Edward Keeping; Canon Sandra Tilley; Canon David Bell; Canon Bradford Wicks.
The Mission Deans are: Rev’d Jolene Peters; Rev’d Jonathan Rowe; Rev’d Christine Lynch; Rev’d Eli Evans.

Here are some photos from that event:

 In the Crypt before the service began:IMG_1946IMG_1947
The opening procession and readers Deacon Derrick Bishop (1st lesson), Beth Downey (psalm), and Camron Farrell (2nd lesson):
Bishop Peddle and his chaplain, Lisa Cox
Archdeacon Whalen is vested in his cope by Archdeacon Rose
Archdeacon Whalen
Bishop Peddle anoints the hands of the newly installed Mission Deans with holy oil
Dr. Arthur King is presented with The Bishop’s Award of Merit:
During the closing hymn:
The clergy of the Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador along with faculty and students from Queen’s College.
A group of faculty and students from Queen’s College



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