High Hopes For The Fall

St. John the Evangelist, Topsail

On Sunday, September 13th, 2021, the executive of vestry and members of our congregation assembled in the church hall after the 10:30 am service.

It was our first attempt at gathering for a congregational meeting since COVID-19 made its debut in our midst more than eighteen months ago.

While exercising strict precautions, by not abandoning the face masks and by social distancing, we managed to successfully deal with our annual reports for both 2019 and 2020.

A few days earlier, but not to stretch some acquired freedom, a cautious member of our Anglican Church Women group graciously offered to hold our first ACW get together since March 10th, 2020, at her home.

It was there that we comfortably planned the possibilities for some regular fall activities.

While movement had been practically dormant for over a year, and in an attempt to strengthen our diversified revenue stream, it was unanimously agreed that the parish would endeavour to sponsor a lasagna supper take out on September 25th. We pray it will come to fruition.

For the last two summers it was beyond our control to form the regular human chain in the cemetery in honour of our departed loved ones. But we are trying to remain optimistic that the COVID-19 situation will continue to improve so that we may join in fellowship for this celebration while the weather is still clement.

Also, prior to the pandemic, the highlight of our summer season was the traditional Sunday evening worship and song held at our old and cherished heritage church, still standing majestically. These services were acknowledged not only by our own congregation, but many people from other faiths and parishes, who joined us each Sunday evening to enjoy what we offered in this unique atmosphere.

Needless to anticipate, our congregation remains hopeful that the cancelled flea market and fall fair of 2020 will rise from the ashes this year, as donations from optimistic patrons are pouring in.

These events are all occasions where we have also missed close fellowship with neighbouring parishes.

We prayerfully look forward to our church returning to a beehive of activity, leading up to the fast approaching blessed, holy season of Christmas. In the meantime,

“May the God of patience and comfort grant us to be like-minded toward one another according to Christ Jesus.”
Romans 15:5

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