2021 was a year of change for the Parish of Deer Lake. April brought the retirement of The Rev’d Canon Paulette Bugden, and the arrival of The Rev’d

Canon Jeffrey Petten. Of course due to pandemic restrictions, we could not say farewell to Canon Paulette and welcome to Canon Jeffrey in the way we wanted to. So, on Saturday, September 3rd, 2022, after one full year under the leadership of Canon Jeffrey, we finally said welcome to him and a fond farewell to Canon Paulette. The celebration was held at the home of one of our parishioners, Janet Cluett and her husband Brian. It was a beautiful day, and of course it goes without saying, in true Anglican fashion, there was enough food to feed 5,000 and have 12 baskets left over.
As a parish we thank both Canon Paulette and Canon Jeffrey for their leadership in our parish. It was nice that we could finally do this the way we wanted to do it.