“Glorious Christmas” was a six-week personal spirituality programme, developed and facilitated by the Rev’d Dr Bonnie Morgan and parishioner Colleen Reid. By combining Lectio Divina prayer methods with art therapy techniques designed to quiet the mind, Glorious Christmas made space at a busy time of the year for profound and personal spiritual connections with the story of God’s Incarnation.
During weekly hour-long meetings, participants had time to quiet themselves and to hear the whole story of Christmas. This was followed by 30 minutes of silent time to reflect on the readings and make art in response. Next followed an opportunity to share personal responses and a “Prayer Over the Gifts.”
Each week featured a different part of the Christmas story with a related artistic prompt. Starting with The Annunciation (Luke 1:26–38) and the prompt “Angel,” we proceeded through The Visitation (Luke 1:39–57) – prompt: “Adjoining Hearts”; The Nativity (Luke 2:1–14) – prompt: “Christ Child”; The Adoration of the Magi (Matthew 2:1–12) – prompt: “Your Own Star”; The Holy Innocents (Matthew 2:13–18) – prompt: “Transforming Tears”; and ended with The Presentation in the Temple (Luke 2:22–40) with the prompt “Dove.” Art materials were kept simple: plain paper, adult colouring sheets, markers, crayons, and leads, with watercolour paint palettes and simple wooden ornaments available for those who wanted to use them during the last two sessions.
By combining scripture, prayer, and creativity, Glorious Christmas continued the Christian tradition of using art to express devotion. Art has been described as a “unique language of the soul,” and the programme reminded participants that the process of making art can be an act of worship: honouring and giving thanks to the Divine Creator, who has likewise gifted creativity to us.