From the October Issue of Anglican Life:

By Anglican Life

From Karen Brake, Vice-chair of the Kildevil Camp and Conference Centre:

We are inviting all Killdevil Campers new and old, whether you were a young camper, a SIT, a staff ‘brat’, staff member or all of the above to come and join us in our festivities to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Killdevil Camp and Conference Centre.

Please mark MAY 25, 2019 on your calendar. Tell your friends and family and plan to come for the day or the night. Gather up your photos, your Killdevil camp shirt and your candle (if you still have it) for your visit. Spread the news! Watch for announcements of events for that weekend as well as our contact information. Looking forward to hearing from you soon, but more importantly, hoping to see many of you at Killdevil on Camp Day, May 25, 2019. Start planning! The Primate is already booked!Killdevil chapel and lodge copy.jpg

  • Anglican Life in Newfoundland and Labrador is the newspaper of the Anglican Church of Canada in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, and is a co-operative effort of the three Dioceses in Newfoundland and Labrador.

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