From the Editor

Northern Lights

I want to wish you a very blessed Advent, and a Merry Christmas. It’s been another year full of ups and downs, and we are still struggling under the weight of the COVID-19 pandemic, but there have been positives here in the Anglican Church of Newfoundland and Labrador. The paper has covered confirmations, ordinations, and special anniversaries. People have risen to the challenges of constantly pivoting to adjust for the constantly changing health regulations, and have supported each other through tough times.

When I feel overwhelmed, I often find myself returning to the familiar words of our Book of Common Prayer. I especially like this prayer that is near the end of Compline: 

BE present, O merciful God, and protect us through the silent hours of this night, so that we who are wearied by the changes and chances of this fleeting world, may repose upon thy eternal changelessness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
BCP, page 727

We are often wearied by the world, but we can find peace of mind in the eternal changelssness of the child who is to be born in the manger. There is always hope.

See you in 2022.

Emily F. Rowe
Editor, Anglican Life

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