Although our Parish had to forgo a lot of fundraising activities due to the COVID restrictions, here are a few events that happened when COVID restrictions were lifted.

Turkey Cold Plates & Desserts
Our ACW group here at All Saints’, Conception Bay South, were busy selling turkey cold plates and desserts on Thursday, May 27th. Due to the COVID restrictions, orders had to be pre-ordered and picked up at the parish hall auditorium between 11:30am and 1:30pm. It was a great success with over 200 dinners sold.
Homemade Quilt
Our ACW are hard at work again: they held a ticket lottery on a beautiful quality handmade quilt valued at $500. There were only 1000 tickets available, which sold out in a very short time. We would like to thank you so much for your kind support. As part of our fall fair activities, the lucky ticket will be drawn on Thursday, October 14th. Thank you again for supporting the wonderful ministry of the ACW.

Flea Market
ACW, the Ways and Means Committee, and the Tea Room Group participated together in planning our annual flea market. It was scheduled for July 3rd from 9am-3pm. We asked for donations and also rented out tables. Once again, keeping in line with COVID restrictions, we asked that a form be completed as a contact tracing pre-registration or that you register at the door as you entered the parish hall. During this flea market, a take-out of moose burgers, hamburgers, and hot dogs was sold. This event was also a success. Thank you to all who supported this fundraiser.

Online Silent Auction
All Saints Parish Finance Team were very excited to give heads up for our very first online silent auction. This auction was organized to help us raise a little money during these challenging Covid times. This auction was held during the week of June 14th – 18th. We asked the public for any and all donations that they would like to donate. Suggested donation ideas included ideas like gift cards, baked goods, knitted items, crafts, etc. This event was also very successful and a big thank you to the organizers and everyone who supported this auction.