Emerging From An Exceptionally Brilliant Summer

ACW Women in Topsail for November 2022
Sharon Smith

St. John the Evangelist, Topsail

The sun shined relentless
And that was so rare
For visitors homebound
T’was an answer to prayer

In Newfoundland, there’s an old adage that “when the regatta is over, the fall quickly sets in.”

Now since the warm weather this summer defied all odds, with no change as August was approaching its end, it seemed obvious that the old maxim was about to lose its credibility.

And many enthusiasts had no hesitation in making huge plans for a grand finale as the Labor Day holiday approached. Luckily, the long weekend escaped unscathed weather wise, but the climate changed with a flourish the very next day, September 6th.

For the ACW members here at St. John The Evangelist, it was merely a sign or reminder that after a long summer hiatus, it was time, and we were ready to commence preparations for the upcoming fall activities and fellowship with our team.

September, this year, also focused on a remarkable milestone for our rector, the Rev’d Jotie Noel, who celebrated the 34th, anniversary of his ordination to the diaconate. He was ordained in St. John the Evangelist Cathedral in Corner Brook by Bishop Martin Mate on September 4th, 1988. Congratulations Rev’d Jotie from our ACW team.

So to borrow or steal an idiom from Rev’d Jotie’s vocabulary, and the resurrection of tasks to be undertaken, our church year really starts in September and not in January.

On September 18th, twelve ACW members met at the parish hall for the first time since April 26. The group was anxious to formalize strategies in outreach, social enterprises, and visitation to former ACW ladies now living in retirement homes. While always and ever conscious to avoid complacency due to the realization that the threat of COVID-19 has not yet exhausted itself, our first outreach to the congregation and neighbouring citizens is to aid our special committee in the sponsorship of a lasagna supper take out for October 1st.

If this effort proceeds favourably without incident, the regular flea market will follow on October 22, the Fall Fair on Nov. 12, and our traditional Christmas event, the Holly Tea on December 10th.

And now to conclude, I hope you’ll agree
We’re a feisty bunch for all to see,
We do what we can with whatever we got,
Because our job is not work, when we love it a lot

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