Christus Rex Finds New Home

a group of people stand below a statue of Jesus on a wall in a church
By The Rev’d Randy Lockyer
The Rev’d Randy Lockyer

On Sunday, November 24th, Christ the King Sunday, a special service was held at St. Philip’s Anglican Parish to unveil the installation of the Christus Rex, which had for many years been displayed prominently at the former St. Michael & All Angels’ churches. Following the disestablishment of St. Michael & All Angels’ Parish at the end of 2023, the Christus Rex was placed in storage.

Father Reuben Hatcher, a retired priest and member of the former parish, with his wife Ruth, made St. Philip’s their new place of worship. He approached The Rev’d Randy Lockyer, rector of St. Philip’s, wondering if the congregation would permit the Christus Rex to be hung. The congregation was delighted to do so, both to honour the history, life, and ministry of St. Michael’s, and as a tribute to the ministry of the late Canon Felix Honeygold, who served as rector there from 1956–1976 and was instrumental in designing the Christus Rex.

a group of clergy stand below a statue of Jesus on a wall in a churchBishop Samuel Rose, who once served as priest-in-charge of St. Michael’s, preached and led the congregation in the prayers for the re-dedication of the Christus Rex, while Rev’d Randy led the celebration of the Eucharist. Parishioners from the former St. Michael’s were invited to come along for the service, including several retired priests of the parish. Peter Honeygold, parishioner and son of the late Canon Honeygold, also spoke of the honour it was for them to participate, and how appreciative they were to have the Christus Rex re-dedicated in his father’s memory.

Following the service, fellowship and refreshments were held in the Canon E. B. Cheeseman Parish Centre. It was a very special time, and everyone was so pleased to see the former parish of St. Michael’s, and a beloved former rector, honoured in this way.

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