Cautiously Resuming Traditions

St. John the Evangelist Topsail
St. John the Evangelist Topsail
Sharon Smith

St. John the Evangelist, Topsail

Professing Christianity is not just about attending church on Sunday morning, albeit that is a very important first step. It is about everything that embodies the qualities associated with Christ’s teachings. It is about parishioners coming together and uniting in fellowship continually and not just for Sunday, that one day of the week. 

However, for the last three years, our church family, as well as neighbouring ones have been limited in our capacity to participate in events that were previously enjoyed to compliment each special spiritual occasion, due to the Coronavirus.

Of equal deprivation has been the restrictions involving fellowship with the ACW for special activities in planning events associated with outreach. But with cautious optimism, we are finally commencing to visualize a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel, beginning with Rev’d Jotie’s guidance throughout the biggest and most important event of the year. 

Our weekly Lenten services, and our nightly participation during Holy Week, leading up to Good Friday and Easter Sunday, were all enjoyed without incident or interruption through fear of isolation. 

It was also during Lent this year that all, under the capable guidance of our ACW president Betty Hiscock, enjoyed a very stimulating quiet day. A group of ladies from our home parish, together with invited guests from neighbouring churches, assembled in the hall at 9:30am. First to unwind and relax with a cup of tea and a chat before proceeding upstairs for a very stimulating address by Betty. 

The focus of Betty’s discussion centred solely on the concept of love. In her elaboration on love, she emphasized how essential it is in our daily lives and nature as human beings. She talked about earthly love in the context of helping our neighbours and those In need. But she stressed that it must not be isolated from spiritual love as all is inspired by the grace of God. 

Let your light so shine before men, That they may see your good works And glorify your Father in Heaven.

Matthew 5:16. 

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