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Fight or Flight

Anxiety is actually one of our bodies’ natural responses to stressful situations, and can be a very healthy one. Anxiety is part of the way we recognize

man with hand on his head

When You’re Not Okay

In February, I had a mental health crisis: what we used to call a ‘mental breakdown’. As far as crises go, mine was pretty minor,

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No More Volunteers

It’s time for the church to stop relying on volunteers. That sounds like a harsh thing to say. More than ever before, the work of

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“It’s Not The Same!”

As I write, we have returned to a season of enhanced precautions and online worship. To say that we’re starting to get tired of the

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They Want To See Jesus

In many Anglican churches, the priest will hold up the bread for the Eucharist, either during or after the Eucharistic prayer. We do this to

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What Would Jesus Do? Not What You Think

When Newfoundland’s vaccine passport was announced, some Anglicans complained about how it would affect faith-based gatherings. They asked, ‘What would Jesus do?’ and ‘Is the

Two wooden cups, used by Fr. Jonathan's paternal grandparents in the Holy Lands

Generation to Generation

Over the years, I have watched a lot of grandparents take their grandchildren to church with them. Often, they do so apologetically, saying, “If I

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A New And Better Normal

As restrictions lift, people get vaccinated, and concerns about the pandemic ease, life gradually starts to return to ‘normal’. It’s not too soon for some,

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Newfoundland Nones

Once upon a time, we assumed that every Anglican had a parish that they belonged to. When the clergy visited hospitals, they could ask to

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