
  • Anglican Life in Newfoundland and Labrador is the newspaper of the Anglican Church of Canada in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, and is a co-operative effort of the three Dioceses in Newfoundland and Labrador.

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Diocese of Central Newfoundland Synod

The Diocese of Central Newfoundland held Synod at the end of September.  Here are a few pictures for you to see now.  A full report

Painting and Spirituality

In the upcoming November issue of Anglican Life, find an article all about a painting retreat that was held in September in at St. James’,

Ride For Refuge, 2018

On September 29th, the Anglican East NL team once again made it from Cape Spear to the Anglican Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, either

Eagle Lecterns

The eagle is often used in our Anglican churches as part of the lectern, from which the lessons are read during worship. The Bible is

Anglican East NL Went to Thunder CLAY

A group of teenagers from the Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador attended CLAY (Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth) in Thunder Bay last summer.  Their full

From the October Issue of Anglican Life:

From Karen Brake, Vice-chair of the Kildevil Camp and Conference Centre: We are inviting all Killdevil Campers new and old, whether you were a young

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