ARCIC (III) Walking Together on the Way: Learning to Be the Church Local, Regional, Universal

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Submitted by The Rev’d Dr. Alex Faseruk

After centuries of living apart, the Anglican Communion and the Roman Catholic Church have been on a pilgrimage together since the historic visit of Archbishop Michael Ramsey to Pope Paul VI in March 1966. The establishment of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC), now in its third major phase of work, ARCIC (III), grew out of that visit as a tangible expression of the joint commitment to walk together the path of ecclesial conversion and renewal so that, as traditions, we might grow together into the fullness of communion in Christ and the Spirit.

St. Nicholas Anglican Parish, under the leadership of the Right Rev’d Cyrus Pitman, and Holy Trinity RC Parish, under the leadership of its Pastor, Father Paul Lundrigan, along with the Faculty of Theology, Queen’s College, Dr. Rick Singleton (Provost), the Rev’d Canon David Bell (Dean of Theology), Dr. Carmel Doyle and the Ven. Neil Kellett (the retired Chaplain) will offer a four-part series to help people become familiar with the Anglican and Roman efforts in promoting Christian unity.

Moderating the sessions will be the Rev’d Dr. Alex Faseruk, who comments, “When I was at Queen’s College and assisted at St. Nicholas, it was easy to see that the community of Torbay had a long and vibrant tradition of promoting interaction, understanding, and ecumenical efforts between Holy Trinity and St. Nicholas. We are hoping to build on these efforts to help spread the intended walking together far and wide beyond the parish boundaries.”

Christians of all denominations are invited to gather for these sessions that will help us better understand and appreciate their own roots, each other’s roots, and consider ways to work/walk together. The sessions will be:

Sunday, March 10 from 2:00 to 4:00 at Holy Trinity Church.
Sunday, March 31 from 2:00 to 4:00 at St. Nicholas Church.
Sunday, April 28 from 2:00 to 4:00 at Holy Trinity Church.
Sunday May 26 from 2:00 to 4:00 at St. Nicholas Church.

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