I am excited to announce an exciting new ministry initiative that our Diocese is undertaking.
As we all remember, the winter of 2022 was harsh, with many homeless individuals seeking refuge on our streets and open spaces. The Cheers & Jeers section of The Telegram shed light on the absence of warming centres in our province, particularly the City of St. John’s. This prompted me to send a simple yet urgent email to city clergy with one line: “What can we do about this?”
Our city clergy met to discuss this challenge. From that conversation came the idea of a mobile unit supporting marginalized populations and people experiencing homelessness. Since that time, there have been several developments. At our request, Metrobus agreed to donate a bus from its retiring fleet for this purpose. Multiple conversations have occurred with potential community partners who decided this is a much needed asset, complementing existing programming.
The Mission Statement for this endeavour is: to provide compassion to street-involved individuals through a mobile wellness platform. We will form partnerships with other like-minded stakeholders and sponsors to provide integrated services. We aim to improve the well-being and quality of life of those in need, fostering a community where we respect the dignity of every human being.
From our engagement with the community, we have determined that while homelessness is more visible in the downtown core, it is prevalent in every nook and cranny of our province, and people come from outlying areas to access services in St. John’s. There is no part of our diocese that the homelessness crisis has not impacted. This mobile wellness platform will help meet the needs of people from all of our communities in Newfoundland & Labrador. We hope to provide coffee & tea, a simple hot meal, basic health care services, housing support, hygiene products, basic clothing items, etc.
For this initiative to succeed, it requires the active participation and support of every parish in our diocese. Whether knitting mittens, making soup or muffins, pouring coffee, driving the bus, or contributing to the operating costs, every Anglican has a role to play.
In Matthew Chapter 25, Jesus reminds us that serving the least of these is serving Christ himself.
Our vision is a society where no individual is left behind or overlooked and where marginalized populations receive the care and support they deserve. Through our mobile wellness platform, we will strive to create a safe and welcoming space for street-involved individuals to access holistic services, build connections, and regain hope for a brighter future. Together, we envision a community where wellness is inclusive and
where every person is valued and supported on their journey to health and healing.
For more information, please contact:
•The Ven. Amanda Taylor:
[email protected]
•The Rev’dCanon Gail MacDonald:
[email protected]
•The Rev’d Fred Marshall:
[email protected]
In Christ’s love,
Bishop Sam