Anglican Life (“The Churchman”)­—Still In Print And In Need of Your Help

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You may remember that back in 2019 there was a campaign to get everybody to confirm their subscriptions to Anglican Life and The Anglican Journal. There was a feeling at the national level that the subscription lists that existed at that time were not as accurate as they should have been, and that papers were being wasted (as was the money spent on them). To a certain degree, this was true. Many papers were being returned with “no longer at this address” written on them, and that was indeed a waste of money, and in fact a waste of paper, and the Church needed to be more responsible.

However, as a result of that campaign, we still have people who think that Anglican Life no longer publishes in print form. Every time that we produce a reminder for our parishes to “please let people know that they can still get their papers,” we are swamped with requests to get back on our mailing list. Four years later, we are still seeing the effects of this extreme measure that was taken—the cancellation of all subscriptions with the expectation that everyone had to re-subscribe.

As the Officer of the Anglican Joint Committee, Rev’d Fred Marshall and I spend considerable time trying to come up with new ways to reach out to those Anglicans in this province who still are without their subscription to Anglican Life. The problem is this: you who are reading this are the ones who are getting the paper, and not the ones that we need to get back on the subscription list. 

So I am asking you, all of you who read this, please check with your friends and neighbours. Let them know that Anglican Life—“The Churchman”— is alive and well. We are planning to keep publishing print papers for a good few years yet, but we can only do that with your help. We need you to spread the word!

And one more thing: if you are able, and you haven’t already this year, can you please help to support Anglican Life with a donation? I put a clip out form for contributions in every print issue of the paper. I’m hoping that soon we will have a “donate” button available here on the website so that you can contirubte that way. You can read this online for free, but there are costs involved in getting the articles and photographs online for you to read. We depend on the free will financial support of our readers to fund our work; any donation that you are able to make is very much appreciated. While we wait for the donate button, if you wish to make a contribution, you can call the Officer of the Anglican Joint Committee, The Rev’d Fred Marshall, at: (709) 727-4346, or email him at: [email protected].

Thank you so much for your help and support. Anglican Life means so much to all of us, and is such a valuable tool in connecting us and helping to spread the good news of our Church. Help us to be a light in the darkness, pointing to our Lord, Jesus Christ, and his Church.

Yours in Christ,

Emily Rowe

Editor, Anglican Life

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