On the Feast of Pentecost, 23rd May, 2021, a new banner was presented and set apart for sacred use to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Ellen Edmunds. Ellen passed away on September 22nd, 2020 at the age of 90. Ellen was a fixture of the congregation. Up until the Sunday we closed in March 2020 for the precautions of the pandemic, Ellen carried the processional cross in worship, and lit and extinguished the candles on the altar. She was an active member of many community organizations, including the Anglican Church Women and the local sewing and knitting group. She gave generously and sacrificially of her time, talent, and treasure.
To honour her ministry, fellow members of the sewing and knitting group, Shirley Keeping and Winnie Munden, with consultation from myself, created a banner for the Feast of Pentecost. At St. George’s, we decided to create banners for each season and feast of the liturgical calendar. The talks concerning the banner for Pentecost started back in 2019, and with Ellen’s passing, we saw fit to make it in her memory.

At worship that night, we were pleased to have with us two of Ellen’s daughters, who were ecstatic and pleased on the perfection of the banner, knowing that their mother would be thrilled about it. We give God thanks for Ellen’s life and ministry, to Shirley and Winnie for their talents and for the gifts of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. May it be a way of explaining the Gospel whenever it is seen by those who attend worship in Burnt Islands in the years to come.
Well done, good and faithful servant.