Dear Church,
It’s been a month since the start of 2025. You’ve slowly been settling into this new year. And by now, have probably discovered that, despite your best intentions, and your declarations of “new year, new me,” not much has changed. You are still just as messy. Your brokenness is still on display for the world to see. You have seen no miraculous shift in perspective. And our kids still seem entirely uninterested in what you have to say.
Even though it is tempting to give in to discouragement, I hope you resist. I hope you resist hopelessness and instead accept and embrace the truth behind your circumstances: God is with you. The Church is the Body of Christ. Which means there is good to behold, even if it is hidden behind your hypocrisy and your mistakes.
My hope for you, the Church, this year, is that you would learn to bring this goodness to light, that your proclamation of the good news would not be shrouded by fear or a need for self-preservation but emboldened by a desire to show people the justice of Jesus.
My hope for you, the Church, is that you would be honest and vulnerable when admitting your flaws, and earnestly repent and seek forgiveness from God and also your neighbours.
My hope for you, the Church, is that the deepening of your relationships—with Christ and one another—would be at the centre of every single step you take this year. That your desire for reconciliation and unity would drive your ministry, and that the relationships you build would be evidence of the coming Kingdom of God.
Most of all, my hope for you, the Church, is that you’ll still let me be part of you. That I’ll keep belonging to this messy, grace-needing, grace-giving Body, that I’ll find Jesus there, and continue preaching Jesus there for as long as God calls me to.
In hope and love,
Your member,