Confirmation in Deer Lake

By The Rev'd Canon Jeffrey Petten
Kara Lush

On the Feast of Christ the King, November 24th, 2024, Bishop John Organ visited the Parish of Deer Lake for the sacrament of confirmation. On that morning, there were four young people who reaffirmed their commitment of faith in Jesus Christ. Over the duration of the preparation, they were instructed on such things as the sacraments, the church year, and vestments, and one weekend, they gathered in the church hall and made communion bread for Sunday worship.

Six people in at the front of a church. Two are clergy and four are young people who have recently been confirmed.

In addition to this, when the lesson about stewardship was instructed, each candidate was given $5 to go and increase it to at least $10. This was based on the Parable of the Talents. From the twenty dollars that was given out, a total of $191.35 came back. This money was then given to the Deer Lake Christian Aid Committee to use towards the cost of providing Christmas hampers for those in need during the Christmas season.

We wish to extend thanks to all those who made our celebration of the sacrament of confirmation such a beautiful occasion in the life of our parish.

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