The Parish of Grand Bank and the Parish of Fortune-Lamaline began a shared ministry on July 1st, 2024, with the Rev’d Charlie Cox as rector.
Already, members of the three congregation have come together in a number of positive and meaningful endeavours.

In the spirit of shared ministry, the St. Alban’s ACW hosted a prayer brunch for the ladies of the three congregations on September 21st. The theme of the discussions for the day was “One Thing, Jesus.” Members of the group were challenged to declutter such things as their purses, closets, and ultimately their lives, and focus on the most important “One Thing,” Jesus.
The Worship, Education, and Mission committee, under the direction of chairperson Velma Stewart, prepared the devotions for the day.
ACW President Shirley Rose commented on the importance of coming together as we continue our new path of shared ministry. “It was a day to focus on celebrating together as we delivered a great message, wonderful fellowship, and of course delicious food,” she said.
In much the same vein, a shared worship service took place at All Saints’, Fortune, on September 29th. The Rev’d Charlie Cox reported nearly 130 people gathered together to worship and share in the sacred mysteries of our faith, the Holy Eucharist. A time of food and fellowship followed the service.
Comments from worshipers like, “So nice to see the three churches worship God in unity,” “Great fellowship together,” “Fantastic to have that many people in attendance;” and “Such wonderful fellowship,” were made after the service.
“We look forward to more shared events in the future,” noted the rector.