September 2024 Issue

Sowing Seeds—Growing Community—A Match Made in Heaven

The Rev’d Gerry Poirier and The Rev’d Stella Mills Ordained Priests

At St. Martin’s Cathedral in Gander, on the 19th of June 2024, The Rt. Rev’d John E. Watton ordained The Rev’d Gerry Poirier and The ...

Confirmation at The Holy Cross

On June 23, 2024, the Parish of The Holy Cross welcomed Bishop Sam Rose for a service of confirmation. Pictured below is Bishop Sam, The ...

“Flowers in May Cafe”

In the month of May, when our weather can often be cold and dreary, our ACW wanted to get the message out that “spring is ...

Time To Get Connected

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he ...

What Does Matthew 18:20 Mean?

In 1990, I met the late Ron Clarke in Gander. The writings of Canon Frank Cluett, the Rev. Everett Hobbs and Ron Clarke had inspired ...

Updates from Western Newfoundland

Honoring Our Earthly Home: A Call To Stewardship and Action

In 2024, the Parish of Bay Roberts Coley’s Point adopted renewing our baptismal covenant each month as one of our Set Sail strategic goals. We ...

Easter in Deer Lake with The Vera Perlin

On Friday, 5 April, 2024, the congregation of St. Michael and All Angels’, Deer Lake, hosted the Annual Easter Party for the Deer Lake Vera ...

Roy Hillier Celebrated in Bay L’Argent

On Sunday, June 2nd, 2024, a parish service of the Holy Eucharist took place at St. Hilda’s, Bay L’Argent. Following the service, a time of ...

Fun at the fire department: Holy Cross parish (Norman’s Cove)

The photographs with this article are from a fun night that the confirmation class from Holy Cross parish (Norman’s Cove) had with the local fire ...

Musician Honoured For Her 70 Years of Service

On Sunday May 5th, the congregation of All Saints’ Church in Tilton held a celebration to mark 70 years of musical ministry given to the ...

A New Year of Anglican Life: Submission Tips and Updates

Welcome back to another year of Anglican Life. While the calendar year starts on January 1st and the Church year begins with Advent Sunday, we ...

Confirmation at The Ascension, Mount Pearl

Sunday, June 16th, was a very special Sunday at the Church of the Ascension, as Bishop Samuel Rose was present for the service of confirmation. ...

PWRDF Board Sees Impact of Fiona and Reconciliation in Western Newfoundland

When Canada’s national housing crisis is in the news, the small coastal town of Port aux Basques, Newfoundland isn’t the first place that comes to ...

Chancel Chat: Bishop Sam and Canon Jotie

Our journey through life is one unpredictable adventure, where I’m sure there are times when we all face tribulations and the fear of facing apparent ...

New Wine Gospel Group’s Concert in Codroy

On April 25th, The New Wine Gospel Group along with Willie Parsons (on accordion) entertained an audience at the Codroy Valley Fire Hall for a ...

60 Years of Providing Organ Music at St. James’, Pool’s Island

On February 2nd, 1964, a young girl named Nina Hoyles, walked through the doors of St. James’ Anglican Church on Pool’s Island. At just 14 ...

Farewell and Thank You For Your Leadership to Archbishop Linda Nicholls

On September 15th, the Most Rev’d Linda Nicholls will retire from her position as Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada. Since she announced her ...

Recent Events at The Holy Cross

Lessons From Weird Al For Today’s Christians

When I was in high school the anthem of my generation, the song which stirred the heart and made the energy flow, was “Smells Like ...

PRIDE 2024

On Saturday July 21st, two parishes took part in the 2024 Pride Parade in St. John’s. It was a beautiful, hot, sunny day, and everyone ...

Mother’s Day on Fogo Island

The parishes of Fogo Island East and West held an Island-wide service for Mother’s Day, which was on May 12th, 2024. “Jesus said I am ...

New Red Chasuble For Meadows

In the above photograph, we see the new red chasuble donated to Holy Trinity Church in Meadows by Walter and Sheila Tucker in memory of ...

The CLB: Come Grow With Us!

As Governor and Commandant of the C.L.B.  I invite you to encourage your children come grow with us and become members of the oldest youth ...

Summer Blessings From Upper Island Cove

The Anglican Parish of Upper Island Cove is comprised of St. Andrew’s Church in Bryant’s Cove and St. Peter’s Church in Upper Island Cove. And ...

A Grand Bay Farewell for Rev’d Faye

June 30th, 2024 was The Rev’d Faye Coffin’s last official service in St. Paul’s Church in Grand Bay. A huge “thank you” to her for ...

New Wine visits Lark Harbour

On July 21st St.Paul’s New Wine Gospel group made a trip to Lark Harbour. They, along with a few members of our congregation, joined Rev’d ...
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