May 2023 Issue
A Bishop’s Letter Written To You From The Holy Land
Friends, as I write this, it is Wednesday March 15th, and I write to you from the town of Nazareth. It is getting late here, ...

Written by
Bishop John Watton
St. Alban’s ACW Hosts Rice Supper to Support the Work of PWRDF
After the Lenten service on March 8th, St. Alban’s (Parish of Grand Bank) Anglican Church Women (ACW) hosted a rice supper in the church’s auditorium. ...

Written by
The Rev’d Charlie Cox
ACW Touton Brunch: A PWRDF Fundraiser
It was a joyful occasion when the ACW of Corner Brook’s Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist was once again able to serve their ever ...

Written by
Dr. Doreen Helen Klassen
Shrove Tuesday in Rocky Harbour
St. Matthew’s Church, Rocky Harbour, hosted a delicious Shrove Tuesday supper of baked beans, baloney, and pancakes, along with dessert, tea, and coffee at the ...

Written by
Dale Decker
Grand Bay Hosts World Day of Prayer
St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Grand Bay, hosted the World Day of Prayer-2023 service, for the participating churches in the Port aux Basques area on March ...

Writen by
Eileen Keeping
The St. Lawrence Thrift Store—Some Great Bargains To Be Had
Recently, Ellen Reid visited the thrift store that is run out of the parish hall at St. Lawrence’s Church in Portugal Cove. She took these ...

Writen by
Anglican Life
World Without End: Letting Go of Permanence
‘Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost…’ Since the 16th century, Anglicans have said those words at the ...

Writen by
The Rev'd Jonathan Rowe
Confirmation in The Parish of Port Saunders
The Rt. Rev’d John Organ held confirmation on November 20th, 2022, in the church of St. John the Divine in Port Saunders. This fine group ...

Writen by
The Rev'd Marie Smith
Confirmation in The Parish of Port aux Basques
On March 26th, Bishop John Organ visited St. James’ Church in Port aux Basques for the sacrament of Holy Confirmation. After the church service, there ...

Writen by
Lisa Brown
In Search of Perfection
When springtime comes to Newfoundland and Labrador, we are never sure what to expect. The weather is certainly very unpredictable, and one day it could ...

Writen by
Melanie Clarke
A Fond Farewell To The Crypt Tea Room
The Crypt Tea Room at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in St. John’s has been a summer time institution for well over two ...

Writen by
Ellen Reid
Stewardship Project Completed!
The confirmation students of St. James’ Church in Port aux Basques just completed their stewardship project, and they raised a total of $604. They decided ...

Writen by
Lisa Brown
Father Tom and A Sense of Humour
The web is loaded with stories about weird clauses in wills that defy common sense. Some of them are funny. Some are not. One story ...

Writen by
Kevin Smith
After the Great Flood
The narratives in Genesis 1-11 are highly figurative in their language. They introduce the story of God’s people which begins with the call of the ...

Writen by
The Rev’d Michael Li
10TH Anniversary of Prayer Quilt Group in Bonne Bay North
March 5th, 2023 was the 10th Anniversary of the Parish of Bonne Bay North’s Prayer Quilt Group! Over the 10 year period, the group has ...

Writen by
Dale Decker
Emergency Relief
One of the motivating factors for the creation of PWRDF, back in 1959, was “emergency preparedness”… not in the sense of ensuring there are batteries ...

Writen by
Sheila Boutcher, Alongside Hope/PWRDF, Central Newfoundland
Fellowship and Fundraising Potluck
As a part of the Port aux Basques winter carnival, St. Paul’s ACW held a potluck fellowship/fundraiser on March 1st. They would like to thank ...

Writen by
Eileen Keeping
The Ladies of Port aux Basques Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and A Special Birthday Too
The ACW Ladies of St. James’ Church in Port aux Basques had a fun-filled afternoon and evening on March 17th. The afternoon started with a ...

Writen by
Lisa Brown
New Layreader
On Sunday, March 26th, our newest layreader, Stephanie Legge, was presented with her license and layreader’s blue scarf during our morning service. Congratulations to Stephanie: ...

Writen by
The Rev’d George Critchell
I Wasn’t Looking For A New Job!
When Patty George began work as office manager at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Corner Brook in 2008, she had no inkling ...

Writen by
Dr. Doreen Helen Klassen
Palm Crosses in Port Aux Basques
On March 30th, the Altar Guild ladies of St. James’ Port aux Basques gathered to make palm crosses in preparation for the Palm Sunday service.

Writen by
Lisa Brown
Reasonable and Probable Grounds to Believe
Perhaps we could not continue the way we are if we had constant, hands-on reminders of God’s existence. If God in all her majesty stood ...

Writen by
Ford Matchim
Lenten Prayer and Praise
On March 31st, the ACW ladies of St. James’ in Port aux Basques held a Lenten Prayer and Praise service at the Memorial Centre. There ...

Writen by
Lisa Brown
The Blessing of Modern Technology
This year, February 23rd, 2023, marked a special day on the church calendar. It was Ash Wednesday, and the antecedent (or starting point) of worship ...

Writen by
Louise Smith
From The Anglican Foundation of Canada
AFC celebrating more than $257,000 in support of northern clergy housing fund According to Dr. Scott Brubacher, Executive Director of the Anglican Foundation of Canada ...

Writen by
Anglican Foundation of Canada