Just in time to celebrate Come Home Year, our lower hall has now been cleaned, repaired, painted, and decorated with several frames containing photos of our residences’ ancestors.
A project began in the late winter and continued until July. My crew of volunteers put in many hours of their spare time to beautify our hall. Talent and hard work, along with their dedication to Church and community, compelled these generous and caring members of our community to give their time.
The first phase of work was completed last fall—the outside of the building. We finished the lower hall in July. Our next project will be the upper hall.
On July 13th, the first event after the improvements was a celebrator dinner of Chinese food and wine to show appreciation to the volunteers for their hard work. This event was hosted by myself and my husband Barry, who also worked for many hours improving the hall.
Words cannot express the appreciation I feel for the co-operation and dedication of those who so willingly gave their time and energy to beautify and repair our hall.