June 2022 Issue
Giving Our Hearts to God and Making Our Relationship With Him Precious and Valuable
“Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you ...

Written by
Bishop John Organ
An Episcopal Visit to The Parish of The Epiphany
On March 27th, the Parish of the Epiphany with our Bishop, Samuel Rose, celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation with four confirmands, and also had two ...

Written by
The Ven Eli Evans
Paint Night
During Lent in the Parish of Isle aux Morts this year, the Rev’d Ed Coleman facilitated Bible study and meditation sessions on a weekly basis ...

Written by
Karen Simon
Resurrection Sunday at St. Alban’s
Our Easter celebrations at St. Alban’s Church in Grand Bank began with a celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 7am followed by a (well attended) ...

Written by
The Rev’d Charlie Cox
Holidays With God
The summer has arrived! The sun shines bright and warm, and the flowers are out! The sense of renewal is in the air, and everyone ...

Writen by
Melanie Clarke
How Should A Christian Prepare for Death?
Some time ago, I was contacted by a parishioner who shared with me a sermon given recently by a priest in England on the subject ...

Writen by
Kevin Smith
Why Should We Have To Warn New Priests?
I try to stay away from harsh topics in my editorials. I don’t want to stir any pots—at least not in my professional capacity as ...

Writen by
Emily Rowe
Why I Support PWRDF
Supporting PWRDF is one way of enacting several of the Anglican Marks of Mission: responding to human need by loving service, seeking to challenge violence ...

Writen by
Dr. Doreen Helen Klassen, Alongside Hope/PWRDF, Western NL
Lenten Outreach Project at The Ascension
In keeping with our motto ‘Reaching out to Others,’ this year for our Lenten outreach at the Ascension in Mount Pearl we partnered with the ...

Writen by
Jean Nash
Reasonable and Probable Grounds to Believe
On a summer’s day in New Brunswick, whilst a rookie member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, I had the strange experience of having a ...

Writen by
Ford Matchim
Recent News From St. James’, Port Aux Basques
Confirmation Lenten Quiet Day On Friday, April 1, 2022, St. James’ Church in Port aux Basques held a Lenten quiet day. The theme was ...

Writen by
Lisa Brown
Cautiously Resuming Traditions
Professing Christianity is not just about attending church on Sunday morning, albeit that is a very important first step. It is about everything that embodies ...

Writen by
Louise Smith
Light In The Dark
One of the things that I love about our Anglican tradition is the Eucharist in reserved sacrament. The clear white light in the vicinity of ...

Writen by
The Rev'd Canon Jeffrey Petten
Online Auction Raises Funds for Church in Gillams
In this photograph, Audrey Park is pictured presenting a cheque for $2065 to Rev’d Kay. This amount represents the proceeds from a recent online auction ...

Writen by
The Rev'd Kay Osmond
Together, We Can Change The World–Slow and Steady Though It May Be
Am I the only one who gets overwhelmed at the sheer magnitude of bad things in the world? War, famine, climate change, poverty, homelessness, unemployment, ...

Writen by
Allison Billard
Essential Stillness
Sometimes we all need to experience stillness. It’s not an easy thing to do in today’s world. It seems that even when we’re alone we’re ...

Writen by
The Rev’d James Spencer
Holy Week and Easter at The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, St. John’s
Holy Week and Easter were glorious at the Anglican Cathedral in St. John’s this year. After the years of separation and pivoting due to the ...

Writen by
Emily Rowe
What I Shall Do This Summer
This summer I shall stand under a archway of pine trees and listen as the wind whistles through the branches. I shall stand on the ...

Writen by
Ellen Reid
Triumphant Easter–St. Peter’s, Upper Island Cove
As part of the Anglican Parish of Upper Island Cove, St. Peter’s had a triumphant Easter Sunday celebrating the risen Lord! Our Sunday school youth ...

Writen by
Robert Clarke