
Western Newfoundland

Daughters, Vanessa Anderson and June Lillington; photo by Shirley Keeping
The Rev'd Canon Jeffrey PettenLocal News

A New Banner for St. George’s, Burnt Islands

On the Feast of Pentecost, 23rd May, 2021, a new banner was presented and set apart for sacred use to the Glory of God and ...
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Left to right: Peter Robinson, Norma Robinson, Marion Eveleigh, Linda Pinksen, and Eric Robinson, pictured at a special service held for the 71st anniversary of the consecration of St. Swithin’s Church in Seal Cove, White Bay, on June 6th, 2021. The entire family is involved in every aspect of the church.
Anglican LifeLocal News

St Swithin’s 71st Anniversary, Seal Cove

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Group photo
Karen SimonLocal News

Congregation Wears Red To Celebrate Pentecost

On May 23rd, which was Pentecost Sunday, the congregation of St Augustine’s Church in Margaree Fox-Roost were asked to wear red. Some people stayed following ...
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Glenda Buckle (left) and Margie Benoit Wheeler of the Corner Brook Aboriginal Women’s Association and Rev. Deacon Karen Loder of the North Shore Aboriginal Group drummed during the flag raising outside the Anglican Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Corner Brook on June 9th.
Dr. Doreen Helen KlassenLocal News

Flag Raising At Cathedral in Corner Book

On June 9th at 9:35am, the Canadian flag, which had been lowered for 215 hours at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Corner ...
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Audrey ParkLocal News

Wishes Coming True

The 2021 confirmation class of St. James’, Gillams, (of the Parish of Meadows) made a presentation of $637 to the Make a Wish Foundation during the ...
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Front row: Sharon Billard (Teacher), Sophie King, Sarah Sweet, Mackenzie Keeping, Kevin Hodder. Back row: Rev’d Nathan Cutler, Deacon Isabel Cutler, Deacon John Billard, Bishop John Organ, Shirley Osmond (Teacher)
Anglican LifeLocal News


Margaree – Fox Roost Submitted with photograph by Karen Simon St. Augustine’s, Margaree-Fox Roost, celebrated confirmation on July 4th, 2021. The confirming bishop was Bishop Organ, ...
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Anglican Life Logo
Anglican LifeJune 2021

St. James’ Gillams Installs New Vestry

The new vestry installed during  morning  service at St. James’, Gillams, on Sunday the 25th of April 25th. Also, a beautiful banner was presented to St. James’ in recognition ...
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Group photo
Willie LoderJune 2021

ACW Celebrates A 91st Birthday, COVID Style

St. Paul’s ACW (Summerside) visited Mildred Bennett to wish her happy 91st birthday and to deliver supper, flowers, and a birthday cake for the family ...
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Prayer Quilt blessing group photo
Anglican LifeJune 2021

Prayer Quilts Blessed in Norris Point

Sunday, April 11th, during a service of morning prayer at The Church of the Good Shepherd, in Norris Point, the Rev’d Wilhelmena Green blessed 25 ...
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Front row, chorah scholars: Charlotte Guy, Levi Jacobsen, Matthew Sherstobetoff, and Marie Vietch Also pictured are the cathedral wardens and cathedral and dioceasan clergy
Dr. Doreen Helen KlassenJune 2021

Launch of Choral Scholars Programme at The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Corner Brook

On Sunday, April 11th, The Cathedral of St John the Evangelist in Corner Brook, NL, officially launched its Choral Scholars Programme. Occurring just two days ...
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