September 2024

Kelsey FifieldEastern Newfoundland and Labrador

Honoring Our Earthly Home: A Call To Stewardship and Action

In 2024, the Parish of Bay Roberts Coley’s Point adopted renewing our baptismal covenant each month as one of our Set Sail strategic goals. We ...
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Dr. Doreen Helen KlassenLocal News

Updates from Western Newfoundland

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The Rev’d Michael LiColumns

What Does Matthew 18:20 Mean?

In 1990, I met the late Ron Clarke in Gander. The writings of Canon Frank Cluett, the Rev. Everett Hobbs and Ron Clarke had inspired ...
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Bishop John WattonCentral Newfoundland

Time To Get Connected

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he ...
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Ruth CarewEastern Newfoundland and Labrador

“Flowers in May Cafe”

In the month of May, when our weather can often be cold and dreary, our ACW wanted to get the message out that “spring is ...
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The Rev'd Jason HaggstromEastern Newfoundland and Labrador

Confirmation at The Holy Cross

On June 23, 2024, the Parish of The Holy Cross welcomed Bishop Sam Rose for a service of confirmation. Pictured below is Bishop Sam, The ...
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The Ven. Terry CainesCentral Newfoundland

The Rev’d Gerry Poirier and The Rev’d Stella Mills Ordained Priests

At St. Martin’s Cathedral in Gander, on the 19th of June 2024, The Rt. Rev’d John E. Watton ordained The Rev’d Gerry Poirier and The ...
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The Rev’d Fred MarshallEastern Newfoundland and Labrador

Sowing Seeds—Growing Community—A Match Made in Heaven

This is a follow-up to an article in the May 2023 edition of Anglican Life (which can be found online at: All things happen ...
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