

Anglican Life Logo
The Rev’d Michael LiColumns

Imago Dei

Imago Dei is Latin for “image of God.” It is a theological doctrine common to Jews, Christians, and some Muslims. The Book of Genesis is not ...
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Anglican Life Logo
Melanie ClarkeColumns

Why Do We Go To Church?

When I was a teenager, I remember having a conversation with my father about why I had to go to church. At the time, many ...
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Church sign from St. Mark's in St. John's
Kevin SmithColumns

While My Guitar Gently Weeps

Remember that song written in the 60’s by Beatles member George Harrison? The  words convey his dismay at the world’s unrealized potential for universal love.  ...
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The Way of Love
Bishop Samuel RoseColumns

The Way of Love

At our recent Diocesan Synod, we were called to refocus on becoming a more missional diocese, and a more missional people. I know that “mission” ...
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Anglican Life Logo
The Rev'd Canon Jeffrey PettenApril 2022

I Need Easter

The last time I fully celebrated Easter the way it is intended to be celebrated was back in 2018. 2020 and 2021 were celebrated but ...
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image design by Emily Rowe
Kevin SmithApril 2022

April: From the Latin Verb “Aperire,” To Open

The month of April is an interesting one. We are into spring in some places, though not necessarily in this province, and people are getting ...
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Sandy Cove on the Eastport peninsula, NL
Ford MatchimApril 2022

Reasonable and Probable Grounds to Believe

I grew up in Sandy Cove, a fishing village on the Eastport peninsula. Closeness to the sea was an everyday experience where raging sea against ...
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Photo by Johnstocker Production / shutterstock
Melanie ClarkeApril 2022

The Hope of Easter

Growing up in the Clarke household, Easter was a very special time. As a young teenager, I remember waking up at 5:00am to get ready ...
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“Colorful hands” by George Fox students Annabele Wombatcher, Jared Mar, and Sierra Ratcliff
Bishop John WattonApril 2022

Jesus Will Show You The Connections You Need

I can still remember preaching my very first sermon as a postulant. Queen’s college students in the ordination program were assigned Sunday parish placements. I ...
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Anglican Life Logo
Emily F. RoweApril 2022

From the Editor About the Redesigned Website and Our New Anglican Life Logo

About the new look for the website: I am writing to you all about some changes that are coming to the Anglican Life website, or ...
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