Stewardship Project Completed!

The confirmation students of St. James’ Church in Port aux Basques just completed their stewardship project, and they raised a total of $604. They decided

St. James’ Church Sunday School

THE SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN OF ST. JAMES’ CHURCH in Port aux Basques really take their Bible storie to heart. The top picture shows the fishes

A Visit To the Extended Care Unit

On December 8th, the ACW Ladies of St. James’ Church in Port aux Basques, NL, visited the Extended Care Unit at the Dr. Charles L.

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News From Port Aux Basques

Fall Sale On November 19th, 2022, the ACW of St. James’ Church in Port aux Basques held their annual Fall Sale. There was a great

photos from ACW closing

ACW Holds Closing For the Summer

On Tuesday,  May 24th, the ACW of St. James’ Church in Port aux Basques held their closing for the summer. The evening started with a

Rev’d Kathleen Knott, Dean Catherine Short, Bishop John Organ, Rev’d Jane Allen, Rev’d Dawn Barrett, and Rev’d George Critchell

95 Years of St. James the Apostle

On June 12th, 2022, St. James The Apostle in Port aux Basques celebrated its 95th Anniversary. We were blessed to have visiting  with us the

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