three photos of a group of people cleaning a hall in Port aux Basques Newfoundland

A Day of Fellowship and Service

On Monday, January 27th, the ACW ladies of St. James Church in Port aux Basques spent the day cleaning the kitchen in our Memorial Centre.

Port aux Basques Pancake Supper

On February 13th, the ACW of St. James’ Church in Port aux Basques had a pancake supper, meeting, and fellowship. A great meal, meeting and a

Puppet Show in Port aux Basques

On January 28th, St. James’ Church in Port aux Basques had a puppet show with our favourite puppets, Creamsicle and Chickpea. The puppets explained to

Lenten Prayer and Praise

On March 31st, the ACW ladies of St. James’ in Port aux Basques held a Lenten Prayer and Praise service at the Memorial Centre. There

Palm Crosses in Port Aux Basques

On March 30th, the Altar Guild ladies of St. James’ Port aux Basques gathered to make palm crosses in preparation for the Palm Sunday service.

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