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Confirmation in Deer Lake

On the Feast of Christ the King, November 24th, 2024, Bishop John Organ visited the Parish of Deer Lake for the sacrament of confirmation. On

Painting of people looking at a baby (who is Jesus)

Ponder and Wonder

Now and then, when reading St. Luke’s Gospel, the phrase that sticks out to me is: “But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them

Gift for Christmas by Jess Bailey on

The Best Gift of All

As I get older, I find myself getting more sentimental about things, especially the approaching Christmas season. I find myself thinking back to the Christmas

I’m a What?!

During this past summer, I presided over a wedding. Like many weddings that happen within the Church, the couple were a “come from away,: or

Easter in Deer Lake with The Vera Perlin

On Friday, 5 April, 2024, the congregation of St. Michael and All Angels’, Deer Lake, hosted the Annual Easter Party for the Deer Lake Vera

Emptiness is Fullness

Alleluia! We are in the Easter Season! One of the things that is tugging at my heart this year, this Easter, is the fullness of

A Rule of Life—For Lent and Beyond

During the academic year of 1995-1996, forty young people (twenty boys and twenty girls) were prepared for the sacrament of confirmation at St. Peter’s (Upper

Jesus and Scrooge

Every year when I prepare to write my Christmas sermon, there are two things that I always do. First is the very obvious, I sit

Who Is Jesus For You?

Recently within the liturgical life of the Church, we heard proclaimed the Confession of St. Peter as found in St. Matthew’s Gospel. I really like