photograph of the earth with a quotation from the article about Earth Hour

Some Light in The Dark

What’s an hour? If you are waiting for the results of a test that might change your life, it can feel like an eternity. If

logos for Alongside Hope/Aupres de l'espoir

New Name, Same Ministry

“That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.” So says Juliet in the Shakespearean play Romeo and Juliet, which

Reflecting on a Lifelong Call To Serve

This month, I will celebrate the fifth anniversary of my ordination. It has been a full and rich five years and I am grateful for

Finding Hope Amidst Challenges

Once again in a recent conversation, someone brought up the article, published over 4 years ago, entitled “Gone by 2040.” It was about a report

Embracing Discipleship—A Timeless Call

Many years ago, when Church House was still situated at 600 Jarvis Street, the Stewardship and Financial Department of General Synod distributed a series of

Anglican Life Logo

Let There Be Greening!

For the second time in history of our churches—the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Church in Canada—delegates will gather together for fellowship, worship,

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