April 2022 Issue
When Life Throws A Lot At Us Very Quickly
I have become completely fed up with cars. Seriously. They drive me up the wall (no pun intended). If I could, I’d be done with ...
Written by
The Rev’d James Spencer
The Empty Tomb Is For Everyone
The Lord is risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! The joy of this Easter message is perhaps more impactful for the Church ...
Written by
Bishop Samuel Rose
“Christ Is Risen Indeed!”
It is wise to not believe everything we hear. Always best to be cautious and circumspect. The Apostle Thomas needed more than hearsay about Jesus ...
Written by
Bishop John Organ
Prayer Shawls Are A Blessing For All
Time—where it goes, is a mystery. It seems like only yesterday that our St. Luke’s Prayer Shawl Group was started. In 2009, the idea was ...
Written by
Florence Morgan-Thom
Mama, Why Do Bad Things Happen?
As a parent to younger children, I’ve fielded this question a fair few times. Most recently in the context of COVID-19, but also about things ...
Writen by
Allison Billard
From the Editor About the Redesigned Website and Our New Anglican Life Logo
About the new look for the website: I am writing to you all about some changes that are coming to the Anglican Life website, or ...
Writen by
Emily Rowe
Jesus Will Show You The Connections You Need
I can still remember preaching my very first sermon as a postulant. Queen’s college students in the ordination program were assigned Sunday parish placements. I ...
Writen by
Bishop John Watton
A Salute to The Anglican Church of Canada
In January of 2022, I was contacted by Adrian Heffernan, who spent a great deal of his childhood in the Church of England orphanage in ...
Writen by
Emily Rowe
“Let Us Hold Fast To The Confession Of Our Hope Without Wavering” Hebrews 10:23
On February 25 -26 the Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador met for the 32nd Session of Synod, Part A. This gathering was like no ...
Writen by
Archdeacon Charlene Taylor
The Hope of Easter
Growing up in the Clarke household, Easter was a very special time. As a young teenager, I remember waking up at 5:00am to get ready ...
Writen by
Melanie Clarke
Reasonable and Probable Grounds to Believe
I grew up in Sandy Cove, a fishing village on the Eastport peninsula. Closeness to the sea was an everyday experience where raging sea against ...
Writen by
Ford Matchim
April: From the Latin Verb “Aperire,” To Open
The month of April is an interesting one. We are into spring in some places, though not necessarily in this province, and people are getting ...
Writen by
Kevin Smith
Overlapping Denominational Boundaries
When taking a break for lunch last Friday morning, I picked up February’s edition of the Anglican Journal. Before turning the front cover page, an ...
Writen by
Louise Smith
I Need Easter
The last time I fully celebrated Easter the way it is intended to be celebrated was back in 2018. 2020 and 2021 were celebrated but ...
Writen by
The Rev'd Canon Jeffrey Petten
Responding to COVID-19 in Indigenous Communities
In consultation with Archbishop Mark MacDonald and the Primate, Archbishop Linda Nicholls, PWRDF is forwarding an in-Canada emergency grant of $50,000 to support northern Indigenous ...
Writen by
Janice Biehn