February 2025

three people hold knitted goods that have been made as donations for those in need

Announcing A New Diocesan Ministry Initiative—Mobile Ministry Bus

a young girl in front of a church in St. Jacques, Newfoundland, in 1964

A Life Entertwined With St. Michael and All Angels’, St. Jacques

Emma Amelia Burns Lawrence, known to all as Burnsie, holds a unique place in the history of St. Jacques, Newfoundland and Labrador. Born on March ...
Two men, a deacon and a bishop, in the Anglican Church

Andrew Joshua Haggstrom Ordained Deacon in Grand Bay

The ordination of Catechist Andrew Joshua Haggstrom took place on November 14th, 2024, at St. Paul’s Church in Grand Bay. Rev’d Deacon Joshua is in ...
woman behind a table that has been made into an altar with an advent wreath in the foreground

A Truly Gaudete Sunday!

On Saturday, December 14th, Dean Catherine Short, of The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Corner Brook, posted an invitation on the Cathedral’s Facebook ...
Painting of people looking at a baby (who is Jesus)

Ponder and Wonder

Now and then, when reading St. Luke’s Gospel, the phrase that sticks out to me is: “But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them ...

Latest from our columnists

Candlemas: Old Traditions Through A Christian Lens

A Letter To The Church

Ponder and Wonder

Announcing A New Diocesan Ministry Initiative—Mobile Ministry Bus

New Name, Same Ministry

Lost and Found: The Search for What Matters

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